| MIDI Backing Tracks Samples! Oldies Top 40 Hits, N-S (Click on the names of the songs to listen to the "condensed" versions. Click the Buy Me buttons to purchase the full versions.*) *[All songs are sequences in midi form and appear as an attachment on my reply Email back to you after you have ordered. They require a midi recorder and a sound card (your browser usually provide a very simple one). Sound modules are other ways to hear the sounds. Sounds on the browsers midi recorder may sound corny or cheap depending on the quality of midi recorder, sound card or computer you are using. I give 1 (patch change) and 1 (control 7) change at the beginning of each track for easy adjustments later if so desired. Each track has its own midi channel . Drum tracks are all exploded into individual instruments but cannot be seen without using a midi recorder better than what is provided with your browser. These are not available on C.D. or Disk. I furnish all the parts but not the sounds.] | |